Terry A. Throckmorton, PHD, RN

Associate Producer

Terry A. Throckmorton, PHD, RN

Associate Producer

Political Research Team

About Me

Currently employed as the Principal Researcher at Elsevier/HESI (10/15 to present). Responsible for all validity studies, development and updating of research documents, and oversight of student and faculty research. Interface with faculty to assist with data analysis and interpretation. 

Employed for three and a half years at Chamberlain College of Nursing. Six months as Dean of Academic Affairs at Chamberlain College of Nursing. Three months as Dean of Academic Affairs, Acting Dean of Academic Operations, and Acting Faculty Chair. Twelve months as Dean of Academic Operations. Seven months as faculty and Course Coordinator for Evidence-Based Practice and Collaborative Practice. Member of the Campus Admissions, Scholarship, Faculty, and Campus Leadership Committees. Member of the Academic Affairs and Academic Standards Committees and Master Instructor Task Force. Member of the Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of Academic Operations, and Faculty Chair Collaboratives. Member of the Daisy Award Task Force, Academic Success Team, NCLEX Olympics Committee, and the Magnet Task Force. 

Employed five and a half years as Associate Chief of Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice. Coordinated nursing research and evidence-based practice. Facilitated inter-professional research and evidence-based practice. Served as administrative advisor for the Interdisciplinary Research, EBP, and Innovation Council, the Interdisciplinary Policy and Procedure Committee, and the Nursing Peer Review Committee. Member of the Medical Clinical Translational Research Unit Planning Committee (2009), Fall Risk/ Pressure Ulcer Risk Committees (2009), Sepsis CMPI (2010-2011), Never Event Committee (2010), the Diabetes Advisory Committee (2009-2011), and the Cancer COE Strategic Planning Committee (2011). Member, Nursing Leadership Council (2007-Present), Nursing Leadership Assembly (2007-2012), ACNO Leadership Committee (2007-2012), Nursing Career Path Committee 2009-2012), Career Path Evaluation Team (2010-2012), Institutional Leadership Assembly (2007-2012), the Institutional Quality Improvement Forum (2007-2008), the Magnet Steering Committee, and the Magnet Subcommittees on New Knowledge and Quality. Coordinated and approved all nursing research for The Methodist Hospital System Coordinated scientific merit review of all nursing protocols by the Interdisciplinary Research, EBP, and Innovation Council. Consultant for the collaborative CTSA grants. Member of the TMH Internal Review Board, IRB Reviewer for PI Projects, and Senior Member of The Methodist Hospital Research Institute (TMHRI) (2009-2012). Work led to two Exemplars from the Magnet Review Committee for Evidence-Based Practice and Collaborative Practice. 

Employed for sixteen years as Director of Nursing Research in the largest comprehensive cancer center in the country. Coordinated nursing research and served as vice chair of the IRB addressing compliance and ethics issues and educating staff and investigators. Member of the Clinical Research Committee and the Magnet Steering Committee. Collaborated with Process Improvement to design protocols and projects related to patient safety and professional peer review. Served as a consultant to the Institute for Healthcare Excellence (Near Miss Reporting System, Healthcare Alliance Safety Partnership, Error Prevention Research). Served as a consultant to units and centers in the development of process improvement projects using research techniques. Developed and implemented process flow and time and motion studies to evaluate processes of patient care delivery, patient satisfaction, and employee recommendations and satisfaction. Completed data analysis using spreadsheet and statistical software packages, providing appropriate reports for client populations with differing needs and levels of knowledge. Prepared presentations for various administrative and staff groups with recommendations based on the completed studies. Mentored staff at various levels from ADN/Diploma to MS, MD, and PhD in process improvement, research, data management, abstract and presentation development, grant writing, and publishing. Developed the Community Oncology Nurse Investigator Network to design and implement research in affiliated community hospitals and physician groups under the Community Oncology Grant. Developed and managed the Nurse Investigator, a peer reviewed research newsletter. Served as a consultant to other agencies on research, management, process improvement, patient safety, and professional practice. 

‍Texas Woman's University, Houston Campus | Texas Medical Center

Employed for seventeen years as a faculty member at Texas Woman’s University, progressing from instructor to full tenured professor. Co-developed the baccalaureate pediatric program, graduate maternal/child program, undergraduate and graduate management programs, and the doctoral research and statistics courses. Developed a doctoral elective in collective bargaining for managers. Served as Assistant to the Dean, coordinator of faculty and student research, and Coordinator of the Parry Chair in Nursing. Served as a consultant in nursing and medical malpractice.

Clinical experience including staff nursing in neonatal ICU,  pediatric cardiovascular ICU, acute care, and oncology care in two hospitals; pediatric emergency care, general surgical, and burn care in one setting. Served as assistant nursing director over a 65-bed pediatric hospital and nurse manager of an 80-bed acute care unit in a county hospital. 


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